eSports and Horse Racing: Which One Is More Popular Among Gen Z?

Before you start jumping out screaming that this comparison doesn’t make sense, let me tell you why it does. On one hand, we have the age-old sport of horse racing. This sport has been around for thousands of years, and I think it is safe to say that this is the oldest sport in the world.

On the other hand, we have the new digital sport (many people still have debates about whether or not esports can be considered as sports) that has been around us for around a decade, so it is pretty new.

So, you are telling me that comparing the oldest versus the newest sport in a particular generation doesn’t interest you?

I bet that we would have drastic changes if we compare these two sports across 3-4 generations. One of them is slowly losing interest, while the other is surging in popularity.

Can you guess which is which? Spoiler Alert: It’s not even close – but let’s dive into the details.

Why eSports is Crushing It

Let’s cut to the chase, eSports is way more popular among Gen Z than horse racing. If you guessed it right, congrats, you’ve been paying attention to the digital world or maybe you are a Gen Z.

This is a no-brainer, right? I mean, we are talking about a generation born roughly between the late 90s and the early 2010s, which has a massive love affair with gaming. So, obviously, esports would be much more popular.

Gaming is practically embedded in their DNA and studies suggest that around 90% of Gen Z members have engaged in a gaming activity, whether it is playing video games, streaming, or watching others compete on platforms like YouTube, Kick, or Twitch.

Clearly, eSports is not just a hobby but a cultural movement, that is only getting stronger and stronger. Why? Well, Gen Z people weren’t born in a virtual world full of games. Yes, there were plenty of games in the late ’90s, but video gaming wasn’t as available as nowadays.

But it’s not just about playing; it’s about being seenand watching others. Gaming influencers are the new rockstars, and watching eSports tournaments has become the new Saturday night hangout.


Take YouTube, for instance— 60% of Gen Z gamers use the platform to watch gaming content, often gravitating towards influencers who break down games, give walkthroughs, and, of course, engage in those adrenaline-pumping live streams. Plus, with the rise of mobile gaming, eSports has become even more accessible, allowing people to game on the go, which is exactly what a fast-paced generation like Gen Z wants.

And let’s talk money for a second. Not only are some Gen Z gamers making bank by streaming and competing, but the eSports industry itself is growing like crazy, with global revenue expected to surpass $1.8 billion in 2024. That’s a huge lure for a generation that’s both tech-savvy and entrepreneurial.

Horse Racing: Can It Keep Up?

So, what about horse racing? Once the darling of the sporting world, horse racing is now more like that one relative who still thinks MySpace is where the cool kids hang out. Sure, it has its dedicated followers, but Gen Z is not so much.

Horse racing is, unfortunately, on the decline in terms of popularity with younger audiences, even though we still have plenty of good races like the Kentucky Derby and the Breeders’ Cup.

If you want more information on the Breeders Cup Challenge series, click the link below:

A recent study showed that horse racing doesn’t even crack the leading 10 favorite sports for Gen Z. The appeal of sitting through a day at the races just doesn’t hold the same allure when compared to the fast-paced, interactive world of eSports.

And the stats back this up: while 34 million Gen Zers in the U.S. identify as sports fans, only a small fraction show interest in horse racing, whereas eSports ranks much higher in their list of preferred sports.

Why the Disconnect?

Why is there such a disconnect between the two? Well, part of it comes down to the way each sport is consumed.

Gen Z is all about instant gratification and bite-sized content. The idea of spending hours at a racetrack or even watching a full horse race on TV just doesn’t fit with their consumption habits. Instead, they prefer quick, exciting, and interactive content that they can engage with on multiple devices—exactly what eSports offers.


Moreover, eSports taps into a community-driven culture. Gen Z loves to connect with others over shared interests, and the online communities around gaming provide exactly that. Whether it’s joining a Discord server to chat about the latest strategies or watching a live stream together with friends, eSports fosters a sense of belonging that horse racing simply can’t match.

Final Words

So, is it even a contest? Not really. While horse racing has its merits and will likely continue to have a niche audience, eSports is the undisputed king among Gen Z. The combination of accessibility, community, and the thrill of real-time competition makes eSports far more aligned with what this generation wants from their entertainment. And with the industry continuing to expand, it’s a safe bet (pun intended) that eSports will only get bigger from here.

In conclusion, if you’re wondering which of these is more likely to capture the attention—and wallets—of Gen Z, the answer is clear: eSports all the way. Horse racing might still have a place, but it’s more likely to be on the back burner while Gen Z continues to dominate the digital playing field.

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